Wednesday 1 October 2014

Cameroon’s Next Scheduled Presidential Elections: preparations on already …

The next presidential election is scheduled for 2018. But it appears our young politicians are not just sleeping and waiting for 2018 or let’s say 2017 (you know the usual has been to wait for about 6 months before the elections). SDF’s Joshua Osih seems to be warming up already and is planning to do it like it has never been done in Cameroon. Here is what we picked from his FB page: « En 2018, internet sera désormais bien implanté dans la stratégie des candidats. Mais le président Joshua Osih a un atout : ce hipster politique aime vraiment le web et la culture qui y est associée. S’il était élu président du Cameroun en 2018, Osih Joshua engendrerait une apocalypse zombie ».

What do you think? Is he the guy? I beg young Cameroonians, make wonna start tell Osih whetti wonna want from the next president…..Maybe now is the time

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