Tuesday 30 September 2014

Cameroon's Fallen Educationists-You are on our minds

Today is the last day of September, Let’s remember some of Cameroons great Educationist who have left us for the world beyond. We are thinking of: A. C Ngafo a.k.a Pa Ngafor (proprietor of NACHO College), Anomah Ngu (remember Vanhivax?), Bate Besong (university of Buea), Bernard Fonlon (needs no introduction.. we all know him), Kenjo Jumbam (The Whiteman of God) and Simon Nkwenti (CATUC)

Show some love and respect for this people by commenting, sharing and liking. Also post in the comment sections pictures of other respected educationists from Cameroon who have left us to join their creator…… Don't forget to like our FB Page for  more interesting postings

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