Wednesday 20 May 2015

HAPPY NATIONAL DAY-Live stream and History of Cameroon's National day

O Cameroon thou cradle of our fathers....Land of promise, Land of Glory!

Here is a link to a live stream of the events and some history of Cameroon's National day. Enjoy the celebrations, send us some pictures and thoughts

Cameroon's National day is celebrated every year on 20th May. However, Cameroon does not have a single date of independence. This day commemorates the ending of the federal government of erstwhile Cameroon and creation of a unitary state by Ahmadou Ahidjo, the first ever President of Cameroon
French Cameroun, which was a United Nations Trust Territory, gained its independence on 1st January 1960. On 1st October 1961 the Southern Cameroons, which were held by the British, became a federated state with Cameroon from a Trusteeship administered by the British. The national government opted to choose 20th May as the National Day in order to mark the abolition of the federal government system and formation of a unitary state by the first President of Cameroon, Ahmadou Ahidjo. In 1972 the Union Nationale Camerounaise, led by Ahmadou Ahidjo, adopted the constitution of the United Republic of Cameroon. The constitution was later amended under Paul Biya's leadership and Cameroon received its present name.

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Football star, Emmanuel Adebayor shares family saga on facebook

Football star, Emmanuel Adebayor shares some very sad family issues on his FB page. He narrates how his mum, sister and brother have been very understanding. What do you think of this story? Is it typical of what happens in most African families? Are you the bread winner in your family and experiencing same pressures like Adebayor? Let's hear from you

Here is a link to the story

Don’t forget to “LIKE” our FB for more Camer gist. At CAMERpeers we bring you the very best of Cameroon and Africa

Google at it again! The most google-searched item in Cameroon---REAL ESTATE

This is what we search for: Cameroon-Real estate, Nigeria- weddings and in USA-Passports and Patents. In your judgement is Google right?